Celebrate Pacific Friday

Celebrate Pacific Friday
"Post photos of your friends, family, colleagues, classmates, pets and yourself wearing your orange with the hashtags #PacificFriday #PacificProud."
Dear Pacificans,
Never has the spirit of University of the Pacific been more clearly demonstrated than in the past year. While the world was turned upside down by COVID-19, our students, faculty and staff continued to do what they do best—learn, teach and support each other. What has pulled many universities apart has brought the Pacific community even closer together.
With that, our student leaders have been working with university leadership on creating a tangible way to celebrate Pacific and the Pacific spirit. Starting this Friday—and for every Friday to come—we are declaring a new tradition: “Pacific Friday!”
Please join us in this celebration of our school, students, alumni and community by wearing orange, tiger stripes or Pacific gear on Fridays. We also hope to create momentum on social media, so please post photos of your friends, family, colleagues, classmates, pets and yourself wearing your orange with the hashtags #PacificFriday #PacificProud. The leaders of every group in our Pacific community—students, faculty, staff, alumni and Regents—are joining this call. We hope you will join us.
We plan to grow this spirit movement in the months and years to come, creating a tradition that our youngest students today will be celebrating when they come back to campus for their 50th reunion! But it starts with you. Please break out your orange on Friday.
Thank you. Go Pacific!
Christopher Callahan
Randi Holguin ’21
ASuop President
Jeff Shafer
Academic Council Chair
Alyssa Wray ’13
Staff Advisory Council Chair
Norm Allen ’88, ’94
Board of Regents Chair
Kelli Page ’87
AVP, Alumni Relations
Allison Dumas ’95
AVP, Student Life
Janet Lucas
Director of Athletics